In the middle of their summer break from school, a group of alien teens discover the horrors of their city when they investigate the disappearances of their families, friends and peers...
CALTONIA is a slice of life story turned into a mystery about a group of alien teens investigating the disappearances of their family, friends, and peers. Why did they disappear, where do they go, and what happened to them?? CALTONIA currently updates once a week on Saturdays!
Some of Caltonia's inspirations are 80s/90s aesthetics, Splatoon's Octo Expansion, and the X-Files. If you like those, you may like this comic!
Hi! I'm Kris/Cinnamuff and I'm a freelance 2D illustrator and comic artist from California! Some of my hobbies include worldbuilding, web design, and streaming! CALTONIA is one of my passion projects I've been working on since 2019, and I'm glad it's something I'm working on after so much planning!
I also have my own site on Neocities which you can find here! Come say hi sometime!